Saturday, January 24, 2009

The calm before the storm...

Ok so I am setting up this blog to keep in touch with everyone. I plan on writing a play by play of what is going on with the birth of our little girl. Jen and I are in good spirits regardless of the circumstances.
We have to go into the hospital tomorrow (Sunday) @ 8pm. Jen's blood pressure has been high, so the doctors want to induce labor.
I will post again once we arrive. The first set of drugs take 12 hours to kick in, so I imagine I will have plenty of time to keep everyone updated.
Actually, I will just be sitting in the room bored.
With that said, feel free to fire up AIM and chat with me. my handle is "berserk303". Fitting for a situation like this.....
I will pop back in when we arrive at the hospital.....
D & J

Here is a pic of what we are up against......This is going to be a battle...

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I will stay tuned. I can't wait to see you guys again, and the beast which hath been born of the belly. I guess she'll be way to cute to be called a beast by then.. but we all know better :)

    Much Love,
